Terms And Conditions
With Over Two Decades Of Experience, MFR UK Provides In-Person Workshops, Blended Learning Programmes And Online Courses For Professional Therapists

Terms and Conditions for use of the In-Touch Education & Myofascial Release UK (MFR UK) website, products and events.

In these Terms and Conditions we, our, or us refers to In-Touch Education & Myofascial Release UK (MFR UK) noted as 'MFR UK'.

Acceptance of Terms

By accessing the content of www.myofascialrelease.co.uk (“the website”) or any of our associated sites you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions set out herein and you accept our privacy policy available online. If you object to any of the terms and conditions set out in this agreement you should not use any of the products or services on the website and leave immediately.

You agree that you shall not use the website for illegal purposes, and will respect all applicable laws and regulations. You agree not to use the website in a way that may impair the performance, corrupt the content or otherwise reduce the overall functionality of the website. You also agree not to compromise the security of the website or attempt to gain access to secured areas or sensitive information.

You agree to be fully responsible for any claim, expense, liability, losses, costs including legal fees incurred by us arising from any infringement of the terms and conditions set out in this agreement.


MFR UK reserve the right to change any part of this agreement without notice and your use of the website will be deemed as acceptance of this agreement. We advise users to regularly check the Terms and Conditions of this agreement.

MFR UK has complete discretion to modify or remove any part of this site without warning or liability arising from such action.

Limitation of Liability

MFR UK will under no circumstance be liable for indirect, special, or consequential damages including any loss of business, revenue, profits, or data in relation to your use of the website.

Nothing within this agreement will operate to exclude any liability for death or personal injury arising as a result of the negligence of MFR UK, its employees, agents or those contracted by MFR UK.

Delivery Schedule

We aim to deliver your order right away. If your order requires shipping, we will normally send your order to you in 5 business days from stock.

We currently only deliver products to regular mainland areas within the UK.

Usually, the Highlands and Islands, the Isle of Scilly, the Isle of Man, and the Channel Islands require additional postal charges however, this depends on the weight of the products ordered. Please contact us if you are unsure about additional costs to these areas.

International orders require additional postage and customs declaration. Please email us prior to purchasing products to be shipped internationally and we can advise the correct costs.  

Back Orders

If your item is not in stock, we will back order for you. You will always be emailed with the option to cancel your order if you would rather not wait.


All prices on the website include VAT at 20% for products. Workshops, courses, webinars, mentoring, special in-person events and skills masterclasses are not VAT rated. Course delivery is detailed on each individual course or workshop page. Product delivery (Shipping) is detailed on specific products pages dependant on the size, weight and quantity of the product. Prices are subject to change.


Payments for any and all programmes or products from MFR UK are paid online via credit/debit card or Paypal. These merchant providers do not share account or card details with MFR UK. 

Payment can be made by a third party such as an employer or funding organisation by Paypal or credit/debit card. In this instance, the payee should email MFR UK direct with the name of the student.

When Paypal or credit/debit card cannot be done or the payee requires purchase order information, BACS payments are acceptable and incur an admin fee of £25. No place will be held on any course/workshop or access provided to any online programme until full payment is received.

Subscription payments can be made via Paypal or credit/debit card only.

It is the students sole responsibility to secure any funding and to ensure payments are made on time. Late payments may result in the student being unable to attend courses/workshops or receive course material. Late payments may also result in a course change fee of £75 - see course changes and cancellations. 

Payment Plans and Subscriptions

All instalments must be paid on or before the due date.

Sufficient funds are to be available in the nominated account to meet the instalment payments.

MFR UK reserves the right to suspend access to a student’s online course content, directory listing, subscription access to any product and or qualification in the event that a student fails to pay any part of their course fees as and when they fall due for payment.

In the event that a student cancels after the orientation period, the balance of all course fees must be paid in full.  subscription/payment plans will no longer be made available and the full balance payment will be required. MFR UK will not issue a Certificate or Statement of Attainment/s until course fees are paid in full. Student’s will not be able to attend any in-person face to face courses/workshops which may be part of any blended learning course if course fees are not kept up to date.

Should a student default on the repayment schedule, enrolment will be suspended and the outstanding account will become immediately due and payable, or as a cancelled student the outstanding account will become immediately due and payable the outstanding debt will be forwarded to a debt collection agency, and the student may also be required to pay additional fees associated with the debt collection process.

Orientation period - You have five days in which you may cancel your enrolment in that subject only for a refund of the subject fees. After 5 days no refunds will be given. If you access any material during that 5 days, no refund of any fees paid will be given.

Subscription payments are non-refundable outside of the cooling-off (see cancellation and refunds) period. Once material, course content or directory listing has been made available, no refunds are permitted. Subscription payments can be cancelled but no refunds for the remaining subscription period will apply.

Cancellation & Refunds

Under UK law, you may have the right to cancel or request a refund under certain circumstances, in accordance with this policy.

Please note that our policy on cancellation and refund varies depending on the payment mode you have chosen for access to content or courses on the MFR UK website.

Refunds or cancellations can only be issued if: 

  1. you have requested it within the 14 days cooling-off period (further detail below);
  2. you have not accessed in any way (or attempted to access) any course/workshop/product/offer content or your directory listing has not been made public; and
  3. you have not received a Certificate of Achievement or Statement of Participation (whether digital or physical) on the course.

The 14-day cooling-off period begins:

For Paid Upfront Courses: 

These include:

  • in-person attendance workshops/courses/masterclasses/mentoring
  • subscriptions
  • all blended learning programmes and all online courses
  • videos/webinars/meetings
  • MFR treatments and SMFR classes or treatments by MFR UK

If you purchased any Paid Upfront item, the 14-day cooling-off period commences as soon as payment and purchase have been made. This includes payments and purchases before the course started, on the first day of that course run; OR:

  • If you purchased after the course run started, (and for digital courses that run indefinitely), on the day you made the purchase.

Once your access to the Paid Upfront Course run has been removed, you will not be able to access any part of the course, take part in any tests, or receive a digital or printed certificate for the course run.

For Payment Plans and Subscriptions:

These are any blended learning and/or online courses, subscriptions or events run by MFR UK where payments are made in instalments of any amount over any period of time:

If you purchased any Payment Plan item, the 14-day cooling-off period commences as soon as the initial payment and purchase have been made. This includes payments and purchases before the course started, on the first day of that course run; OR

  • If you purchased after the course run started, (and for digital courses that run indefinitely), on the day you made the purchase.

Once the cooling-off period for refund has lapsed, the course has been accessed, or the certificate received, there will be no refunds, and the payment plan is expected to be completed.

Once your access to the Payment Plan course or event run has been removed, you will not be able to access any part of the course, take part in any tests, or receive a digital or printed certificate for the course run.

In-person and virtual course/workshop bookings and attendance. 

Once purchased, the above exceptions regarding the 14 day cooling-off period applies after which, all in-person and virtual courses/workshops/mastersessions/meetings/events are non-refundable.

All in-person and virtual courses/workshops/programmes/events must be completed and attended within the specific time length of each course. No extensions for any reason are permitted.

The Certificate in Integrated Myofascial Therapy must be completed in 18 months including all online and in-person attendance from the date of purchase..

The Advanced Clinical Diploma in Integrated Myofascial Therapy must be completed in 3 years including all online and in-person attendance from the date of purchase.

Master sessions and webinars all have limited time-length access and are detailed in each purchase.

MFR UK is not responsible for any travel, accommodation or expenses reimbursement when any person/student cancels their attendance or, in the unfortunate circumstances that MFR UK has to cancel any of their programmes in-person or otherwise.

Students are responsible for checking directly with their own Professional Indemnity insurance broker/company regarding insurance requirements; MFR UK is not responsible if any person is unable to gain insurance to use/practise any of the techniques offered in any of our workshops/courses and MFR UK bears no responsibility to any monies lost or costs incurred as a result.

Student support. MFR UK and ITE will provide:

A comprehensive guide to online course and live workshop prices, dates, and venues.

Full and relevant online course information including theory, video access, online meetings, course requirements and date sensitive assessments and course completing information.

Full and relevant live workshop/student clinic and masterclass information including times, dates, venues and what to bring.

Information on any relevant industry or UK guidance regarding health and safety which may be in place at the time of any and all live events.

Full information on course/workshop cancellation, deferment, and refunds (see below).

Students with assistance for any accessibility issues and special needs for workshops, online courses, masterclasses, video conferencing, student clinics and exams/assessment. It should be noted that additional 1-2-1 support at any course/workshop incurs an additional fee upon booking. Prior agreement can be made for accessibility support where costs are to be reimbursed to MFR UK.

Support to all students via email, social media, video conferencing and telephone for course/workshop content if necessary.

Individual tuition can be made available for an additional charge.

An acceptable investigation and resolution for any grievances or concerns raised by any student and notify the outcome to all persons involved.

A learning environment that is accessible to all.

What we ask for any student training with MFR UK and ITE.

It is each individual student’s responsibility to access and complete any online course material – where relevant.

The delivery, and on-going delivery, of course access, practical or theoretical content, will be provided dependant on specific course criteria. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that the pre-requisite for access is adhered to.

Any student concerned about accessibility issues are encouraged to contact MFR UK for support.

Attendance is required for the entire in-person events, workshops, student clinics and masterclasses due to the amount of content, respect to fellow students, and for insurance and accreditation reasons as per the specific course content. For in-person events - while leaving early or arriving late may be necessary due to an emergency, commitment to attend is valued and expected.

Leaving early may result in failure to experience all techniques offered jeopardising insurance to practice and failure to receive the course certificate.

Students are responsible for checking directly with their own Professional Indemnity insurance broker/company regarding insurance requirements; MFR UK is not responsible if any person is unable to gain insurance to use/practise any of the techniques offered in any of our workshops/courses and MFR UK bears no responsibility to any monies lost or costs incurred as a result.

Students who are members of a Professional Association (PA) are responsible for checking with that PA directly regarding the submission of any CPD certificates.

Submission of works.

When I'm student is asked to submit any documentation to support an online or in person course qualification or certificate, all documents submitted should be the students own work and submitted on-time. Plagiarism or AI submissions will not be tolerated or accepted.

MFR UK's plagiarism and non-compete/propriety policy.

This is where someone outside of the MFR UK teaching/admin team uses/copies/shares/reprints/reproduces and and all MFR UK text, documents, techniques, pictures/photos, video, or any teaching material and, presents it as their own. This will not be tolerated.

Intellectual property and copyright

MFR UK has a legal right to protect their own intellectual property and does not allow any person to share/reprint/reproduce/copy/ any text, documents, techniques, pictures/photos, video, or any teaching material including logos at any time.

The Certificate/Diploma in Integrated Myofascial Therapy and the Self-Myofascial Release logos can be used by students who meet the criteria to be able to use them on marketing, social media and on their websites. If this criteria is not met, the student must refrain from using these logos.

Right of refusal

MFR UK reserves the right to refuse in-person or online attendance to any organised event due to not meeting the required pre-requisite prior learning or due to any conflict of interest. MFR UK also reserve the right to refuse directory listing due to any conflict of interest or incomplete training. 

In-person and virtual courses/workshop date and or venue changes

Only ONE free date and/or venue change to a course or workshop can be made. Notification of the change must be made to MFR UK direct with no less than 28 days prior notice. All notifications of less than 28 days will incur a £75 charge. Any changes required after the initial free change with more than 28 days notice will incur a charge of £75. MFR/SMFR treatments with MFR UK lecturers and assistants are non-refundable at any time. Changes due to ill-health, including Covid-19 self-isolation, positive test result also incur the above charges. 

Some online courses/events/mastersessions are non-changable. This will be specifically mentioned on the sales page. It is the purchasers responsibility to check for these details during purchase when accepting the T&C's of the sale.

Products - virtual and physical

Products include: any online video content sold separately to support MFR UK's other online, blended or in-person workshops. Once purchased, these are non-refundable. Access to these items will be defined on each individual sales page to a maximum of 3 years maximum post purchase. The buyer is bound legally to abide by the copyright and intellectual property laws.

Physical products include any Self-Myofascial Release products or Pelvic Positioning blocks. These are non-refundable once purchased however, goods which are defective will be replaced as soon as possible. The items must be returned to MFR UK prior to replacements being shipped. MFR UK is not responsible for damage during shipping and will work with the carrier to resolve the issue. 

Some course/events include a product shipped by MFR UK to the purchaser. It is the purchasers responsibility to ensure that a correct deliver address is submitted for the products to be delivered too. In the event that a product goes missing due to an incorrect address, the purchaser will be require to pay an additional fee for redelivery.

Covid-19 Restrictions.

MFR UK complies with all current guidance for recommended class size, risk assessments, PPE and covid screening protocols. Each venue will have a specific risk assessment that is routinely updated. As guidance and restrictions may change without notice, MFR UK will adapt and change all events accordingly.


All intellectual property of Myofascial Release UK including trademarks, trade names, patents, registered designs, any and all workshop/course text manuals, pictures/photos, videos, presentations, graphics, online course content and any other automatic intellectual property rights derived from the aesthetics or functionality of the Website remain the property of MFR UK.

By using the website you agree to respect the intellectual property rights of  MFR UK and will refrain from copying, downloading, transmitting, reproducing, printing, or exploiting for commercial purposes any material contained within the website, any course content, manuals, printed material, audio, visual and lecture material.


The information is provided on the understanding that the website is not engaged in rendering advice and should not be wholly relied upon when making any related decision.

The information contained with the website is provided on an as-is basis with no warranties expressed or otherwise implied relating to the accuracy, fitness for purpose, compatibility or security of any components of the website.

We do not guarantee uninterrupted availability of the www.myofascialrelease.co.uk website and cannot provide any representation that using the website will be error-free.

Third Parties

The website may contain hyperlinks to websites operated by other parties. We do not control such websites and we take no responsibility for, and will not incur any liability in respect of, their content. Our inclusion of hyperlinks to such websites does not imply any endorsement of views, statements or information contained in such websites.


If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable, such provision shall be struck out and the remaining provisions shall remain in force.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

The website is controlled and operated by MFR UK, located in the UK. We make no representation that materials on the website are appropriate or available for use in other locations. Those who choose to access this website from other locations do so on their own initiative and are responsible for compliance with local laws, if and to the extent local laws are applicable.

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