£97.00 GBP

All 8 Fascia, Fact & Fiction master sessions

Get an 8-hour CPD certificate with this bundle offer.

Why chronic pain doesn’t relate to biotensegrity.

Join me on this master session to discuss if pain correlates with biotensegrity - does structure, balance, tension and integrity directly relate with the experience of pain?

By its very name, bio - tensegrity ignores so much about the individual. The old view focused on pain relating to biology. The new and current evidence suggests that pain is unique and is an expression or feeling based on perceptions from a bio - psycho - social perspective.

If you want to be the influential therapist and learn why pain doesn't relate to biotensegrity, then join me on this master session.

15 October 2024 7-8pm - live on Zoom. 

Direct and indirect MFR – what’s the difference and does it matter?

Join me on this master session to discuss direct and indirect approaches to MFR. Where the concepts came from, do they differ in their application and what results do they have?

If they both have the same therapeutic outcomes, in other words, regardless of what type of techniques are used, the client still has a positive treatment outcome, how different is direct from indirect MFR?

Some schools suggest that one approach is better than the other and some schools appear to be protective about their techniques. Why is this if they offer the same therapeutic outcome? 

If you want to be the influential therapist and learn why the name of a techniques doesn't matter or profess a better techniques, join me on this master session.

14 November 2024 7-8pm - live on Zoom.

Fascia-are we stretching the truth?

Join me on this master session to discuss the current science of fascia stretching.

Is the word 'stretching' accurate? can we stretch it with our hands? And if fascia is stretched, does it stay stretched?

If you want to be the influential therapist and understand the current scientific evidence on fascia's ability to adapt and change shape according to demand, join me in this master session.

17 December 2024. 7-8pm - live on Zoom.

Why pain and fascial dysfunction don't relate.

Claiming that fascial dysfunction is the cause of someone's pain isn't really accurate. 

If you want to be the influential therapist and understand why fascial dysfunction doesn't directly relate to pain and how you can better describe it, this master session will bridge the gap between outdated stories and what current science says.

Recording available.

Can we really release fascia?

Join me on this master session to discuss the current science of MFR.

How much evidence exists that suggests that we can release fascial restrictions with MFR?

If you want to be the influential therapist and understand the current scientific evidence that suggests that what we are feeling may not be the fascia releasing, then join me on this master session.

Recording available

Why we can’t break up scar tissue.

Join me on this master session to discuss scar tissue and how it thought that we can treat it.

Can we really break up scar tissue and even if we could, why would we want to?

Scar tissue is there for a reason and perceived scar pain may not actually be due to the scar at all. Pain doesn't live in our body. Claims of breaking up scar tissue to release pain is misinforming you the therapist and your clients.

If you want to be the influential therapist and understand the current scientific evidence that suggests that what we are feeling may not be the fascia releasing, then join me on this master session.

Recording available.

Unwinding – is it all a windup?

Join me on this master session to discuss the fact and fiction about unwinding.

Unwinding is intriguing! Its evolution has resulted in differing approaches, ideas and opinions - some valuable and some not. 

It has fascinated many therapists who are forever chasing the carrot of wonder but communication of what it is and why is occurs has fallen foul to misinterpretation leaving the neuroscience of the process behind. 

The association of unwinding with fascia, trauma and even the unexplainable pushes this self-regulatory process towards criticism and a definite raised eyebrow.

If you want to be the influential therapist and understand the current scientific evidence that provides insight into this phenomenon that is far more than fascia, then join me on this master session.

Recording available 

Why fascia doesn’t store trauma.

Join me on this master session to discuss if fascia actually stores trauma.

Often, language suggest something that isn't quite accurate. Trauma storage is often suggested to be a major role of the fascial system - how exactly does fascia do this? How does memory, learning and fascia relate - if at all?

If fascia did store trauma - how big would we get with all that storage?

If you want to be the influential therapist using more appropriate language and understand the current scientific evidence of responses to trauma and how they manifest in the body, then join me on this master session.

Recording available

If you purchases after any live events, you will receive the recording immediately after purchase.

8 - hours CPD will be emailed after the last scheduled master session. and no later than 31 Dec 2024.

Tutor : Ruth Duncan BSc

Once paid - no refunds.