£345.00 GBP

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Unwinding - Working with Emotion. 5/6 October 2024

Unwinding (Myofascial Unwinding) is a common generic term used to describe a response your client may experience as a result of the slow sustained touch by a myofascial release therapist.

This response, thought to be a modulation of the autonomic nervous system, can result in tears, anger, fear, joy or laughter.

Some clients will experience a deep sense of relaxation and stillness, others will move spontaneously on the treatment couch as their body begins to move through functional and meaningful movement. These movements often extend range restoring pain-free active movement, previously believed as unsafe or too painful as a result of a historic event.

This re-learned functional movement allows the client to re-evaluate belief patterns and learned behaviours helping them to move forward in their wellness journey.

This workshops offers therapists a unique opportunity to explore unwinding, working with one therapist and also as part of a group.

You will be shown a variety of myofascial applications combined with constructive therapeutic dialoging that will help you to facilitate and care for any client who experiences an emotional response during treatment.

Allowing the client to lead the session is paramount and therapists are taught how to stay within their scope of practice whilst offering a nurturing, non-judgmental and safe therapeutic environment.

This 2-day workshop includes :

  • How to facilitate unwinding with the client seated, lying on the treatment couch and in standing
  • How and when to use therapeutic dialoguing to promote a safe and nurturing environment
  • How to identify potential learned behaviours and patterns which may be hindering treatment results
  • How to reinforce safe meaningful movement
  • How to build a therapeutic alliance with the client which in turn will increase self-efficacy.
  • The science, theory and research of trauma, memory and unwinding as a response to therapy.

Dates : 5/6 October 2024.

Venue : BCMB Lower Ground Floor, 109 Pembroke Road, Clifton, Avon, Bristol BS8 3EU

Times : 09.30-5 pm both days

Tutor : Ruth Duncan

CPD : You will be emailed a certificate of attendance after this workshop for your insurance. 


Who can attend?

  • Therapists who have also completed at least a 2-day myofascial release workshop with MFR UK or another training provider or,
  • therapists who have attended a 1-day myofascial release workshop with another provider AND who also have at least 12 months clinical experience of using MFR in practice.
  • In all cases, therapists must have MFR as a named therapy on their professional indemnity insurance
  • Certificates may require to be supplied for non-MFR UK students.

Full workshop details will be emailed upon booking.

You are being asked to create a password for your online MFR UK account. Please keep a note of your password. Your username will be your email address.

Common questions :
Q - Can I attend if I’m not yet qualified?
A – Sorry, no. We won’t be insured to teach you if you don’t hold professional indemnity insurance to practice.
Q – Can movement therapists or beauty therapists attend?
A – Sorry, no. Unless you also have qualification that meets our pre-requisites.
Q : I might arrive late or I have to leave early, is that ok?
A : We recognise that emergencies happen but we expect that you attend the entire workshop otherwise it may affect your CPD certificate.
Q - What do I need to bring?
A – We will email all the workshop details with what you need to bring once you book. You won’t need to bring a massage couch unless it specifically states this in the workshop information.
Q – What if I need to cancel?
A - We recognise that emergencies happen. We have a T&C page below with comprehensive information. Please take time to read this. Re-scheduling can be done free if we get 4 weeks’ notice. All our workshops are non-refundable (distance selling laws apply).