£197.00 GBP

Understanding Pain 12 January 2025

Understanding Pain: The Influential Therapist

12 January 2025 0930-1630 on Zoom

SPECIAL BUNDLE DEAL - you get the in-person interactive UP Zoom course and the short online course to review all the tutorials and resources from the in-person interactive UP Zoom course - all for £197!!

Wouldn't it feel great if you could teach your clients how to understand their pain and help them know what things in their life might make their pain worse?

Helping our clients is at the very core of what we aim to do and it's why we do what we do.

Pain originates from so many things and is not only a 'tissue issue'. But there are other factors including physiological factors influence our experience of pain? For example, some people get phantom limb pain when there is no limb and, some people who have suffered bereavement feel pain when there is no physical problem? 

In fact, the same neural pathways are activated from both emotional and physical pain. A deeper understanding of pain science can help us provide enhanced care for our clients.

Learning the secrets of pain science will help you to develop an evidence informed approach to meet your client's needs.

  • This course is online using Zoom.
  • It will start at 0930am and conclude at 1630pm
  • There will be a max of 28 participants per course allowing for discussion and Q&A
  • Once booked, you will receive an email with the details of how to access your Zoom call on your chosen date and what to have available for the course.
  • Approximately one week prior to your course, you will receive a workbook by email and further materials on the course its self
  • You get 6 months access to the short online course from the day after you have attended your in-person Zoom course.
  • Ruth Duncan BSc (Hons) PGCert Pain Science and Theory, will be your tutor.

Ruth Duncan







Ruth trained as a licensed massage therapist while living in Florida, USA. She returned to Scotland in 2001 and continued to further her education with a Btec 5 sports and remedial soft tissue qualification, a sports therapy diploma and a hypnotherapy diploma. She also returned to the US to complete training in myofascial release adding to her soft tissue skills.

Ruth has over 20 years of experience working with clients experiencing chronic and persistent pain. 

Ruth is also the founder of Myofascial Release UK providing workshops for healthcare professionals. She has authored her own book on myofascial release, now in its second edition, and has lectured at international and national conferences and trade shows.

In 2021, Ruth gained a BSc First Class (Hons) in Health Sciences and a PGCert in Pain Science to further her own education and to enhance her training programmes.

Ruth is the Scottish advisor for GCMT, the UK's soft tissue voluntary self-regulatory body and Vice Chair of the Scottish Massage Therapists Organisation (SMTO).

Common Q&A.

Q. I can’t attend any of the dates of this course, can I watch the recordings of the live event?

A. No, there are various dates available, and you must attend the online in-person interactive live event. The live events are not recorded to protect privacy.

Q. Can I watch recordings of the tutorials and lectures as a reminder of what was discussed?

A. Yes, the special Understanding Pain bundle includes a short online course providing pre-recording of all the tutorials and lectures but minus the discussions making the tutorials and presentations streamlined and time efficient. ONLY applies if you buy the bundle.

Q. Do I get a workbook to take notes?

A. Yes, you will be provided with a workbook and the slide handouts of all of the tutorials and lectures no later than one week prior to you attending the online in-person interactive course. You will be able to download these to a mobile device or print them.

Q. Do I need to attend the entire interactive online Understanding Pain course?

A. Yes, the greatest value of the course will be achieved if you complete the entire course. However, we understand emergencies happen and you may need to leave early but you will not be able to join later courses to catch up.

Q. If I book and then realise, I cannot attend, can I change the date of my online in-person course?

A. This all depends if there is space available on later courses. We also need at least 1 weeks’ notice to make booking changes.

Q. What is the refund policy for the Understanding Pain course?

A. Once booked, there are no refunds. This also applies to no-shows for the online interactive course. Distance selling laws apply.