Deb Donohoe ED
With Over Two Decades Of Experience, MFR UK Provides In-Person Workshops, Blended Learning Programmes And Online Courses For Professional Therapists


Deborah Donohoe in Swindon Advanced Myofascial Release


Working with chronic pain, injuries and trauma

MyĀ name is Deborah Donohoe, I am located in Swindon, Wiltshire . I started my career as a nurse and midwife giving me a great understanding of how the body works and how ill health and dis-ease affects our whole person, subsequently I have had twenty one years experience as a therapeutic massage therapist reducing pain, rebalancing the muscle and skeletal systems and restoring physical and emotional health. I work with chronic pain conditions, injury and trauma using Myofascial techniques to help alleviate symptoms of pain, restore balance and integrity to the body. I also offer one to one myofascial fitness training to support ongoing health. Other therapies include pregnancy and postnatal massage and preparation for birth, Swedish massage for relaxation and calmness. My Mission My mission is to release your pain to allow you to lead your life to your full potential and optimum performance. To be alongside you on this journey as you travel from being bound by pain to freedom. My Vision A world where pain is shared, felt, released and change occurs to bring about lasting freedom.

Special interests:

  1. Back pain
  2. Sports injuries
  3. Scar tissue managment
  4. TMJ issues

Treating symptoms of pain that can occur at any time of life, by working sympathetically with the muscular, skeletal and nervous system to bring rebalance and relief from pain. Many clients have come to see me with symptomsĀ affecting theirĀ back, neck and leg pain sciatica headaches, migraines, tmj whiplash injuries tendonitis, tennis elbow, repetitive strain injuries, frozen shoulder pregnancy related pain stiffness resulting from parkinsonā€™s disease, arthritis, ms, fibromyalgia, long covid pain and reduced movement from scarring stress depression and anxiety panic attacks.

Go To My Website Now

"Deb made me feel at ease when I attended my first session, we established that my right-hand side wasnā€™t in tune with my left-hand side. Four sessions later, the pain in my leg had eased so much, running was improving, I was in a better frame of mind and back to my training plan for my half marathon!"


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Offers MFR intensive treatments over 2 days or more


Holds professional indemnity insurance


Offers MFR exclusive treatments


Accepts credit/debit cards


Has on-site parking


Offers SMFR classes


Offers SMFR 1-2-1 individual sessions


"Deborahā€™s holistic approach to injury allows for a reduction in symptoms and increased mobility from the very first session, placing importance on not just treating the symptoms of the injury but on treating the root cause. Deborah has a vast knowledge of the bodyā€™s intricacies and its mobility patterns, which allows her to provide specific exercises/stretches to continue your recovery"


How To Connect With Me

Get In Touch With Me To Ask About Receiving Treatment

"I went to see Deborah after suffering months of back pain which no other professional had been able to relieve. After just one session, my pain eased and after a series of sessions I am now pain free. Deborah takes a fully holistic approach to pain relief, assessing what is actually the root of the pain before providing treatment"


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