Myofascial Release UK Blog
With Over Two Decades Of Experience, MFR UK Provides In-Person Workshops, Blended Learning Programmes And Online Courses For Professional Therapists

Ruth Duncan's in-touch education blog

"MFR provides an opportunity for the client to function better with increased movement efficiency"

The aim of all manual therapy is to help our clients feel better. Through our own skill, experience and training we make every effort to provide the best clinical outcome that we can. This blog is a place where I ask you to consider and critically evaluate your current practice and what you've been taught in an effort to promote an evidence informed practice and career longevity.

In-Touch Education (MFR UK)
Fascia and Pain

Fascia and Pain

You can also listen to this blog post. To be honest, this is a huge topic bearing in mind that pain science is complex and multifactorial on its own. As most fascia research is still very new, it...
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Fascia as a Sensory Organ

Fascia as a sensory organ; what does this mean to an MFR Therapist? All of us were taught about the nervous system in our qualification training. But, often anatomy and physiology (A&P) were...
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Out With The Old, In With The New - Modern MFR

Pain awareness month is coming to an end, and I hope that you have enjoyed our social media posts highlighting how we experience pain. After I completed my degree and postgraduate certificate in...
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A Conversation with Carol and Ruth

Over the years, Carol Davis and I have had lots of discussions surrounding fascia, myofascial release, energy work, consciousness, trauma and unwinding. We thought it would be a good idea to record...
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Does fascia hold memories?

Sep 16, 2024

Unwinding. Is It All A Windup? - Fascia, Fact and Fiction

Jun 04, 2024

Does the brain and immune system influence frozen shoulder?

May 05, 2024

Does Massage Spread Cancer?

Apr 05, 2024

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